The latest FIT & ITF Tennis court lighting project in Italy
ITF is the governing organization of world tennis, wheelchair tennis, and beach tennis. It was created by twelve national tennis organisations in 1913 as the International Lawn Tennis Federation, and as of 2016, it was connected with 211 national tennis associations and six regional groups.
20210701-rilievo-lux-campi-outdoor-Mare-PinetaTogether with WTA & ATP, ITF maintains and enforces the rules of tennis, regulating international team competitions, promoting the game.
The tennis court lighting that Enkarl just finished belongs to a club member of ITF & FIT.
This report presents the lighting level at 9:30 PM after refurbishment.

Eavg>320 lux Spillage: Minimised
Uniformity>0.74 Lifespan:60,000 Hours
Energy comsumption: 1.6 KW/h/court Flicker: Non